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Om ikke lenge vil vår nye bok “Empirical Research for Software Security: Foundations and Experience” være å finne i velassorterte bokhandler verden over (vel… i hvert fall på internett….).

Boken er redigert av Lotfi ben Othmane (Iowa State), meg selv, og Edgar Weippl (SBA Research). SoS-Agile har bidratt med to kapitler, om henholdsvis bruk av BSIMM som et forskningsverktøy (kap. 7) og om trusler mot validitet i empirisk programvaresikkerhetsforskning (kap. 10).

Innholdsfortegnelsen er som følger:

  1. Empirical Research on Security and Privacy by Design
  2. Guidelines for Systematic Mapping Studies in Security Engineering
  3. An Introduction to Data Analytics for Software Security
  4. Generating Software Security Knowledge Through Empirical Methods
  5. Visual Analytics: Foundations and Experiences in Malware Analysis
  6. Analysis of Metrics for Classification Accuracy in Intrusion Detection
  7. The Building Security in Maturity Model as a Research Tool
  8. Agile Test Automation for Web Applications— A Security Perspective
  9. Benchmark for Empirical Evaluation of Web Application Anomaly
  10. Threats to Validity in Empirical Software Security Research

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