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SINTEF og Telenor Research: Cloud Security Whitepaper

SINTEF og Telenor Research: Cloud Security WhitepaperVil du ha hjelp med å unngå alvorlige feil når du velger leverandør av din nye cloud-tjeneste?

Telenor Research og SINTEF har nå publisert et whitepaper som hjelper deg å gå klar av de viktigste fallgruvene.

Whitepaperet kan du laste ned fra Telenor sine nettsider.

Gjengitt fra Telenor sin presentasjon av whitepaperet:

Do you worry about losing control and ownership of your documents or pictures when you store them on the Internet?  Well, many people feel the same way. When storing your data into the cloud, perhaps you are concerned if it is being securely stored or if you can access or delete your data whenever you like? While this may cause concern for private customers, it is even more critical when such matters pertain to corporate customers and their essential business sensitive company data. For both audiences, the ability to find good answers to these questions is challenging and time consuming.

Who can see your data?

“Cloud computing is seen as a major shift in how computing resources are consumed, both by individuals and businesses,” says Astrid Undheim, VP of Next Generation Services in Telenor Research. “Despite benefits, such as lower costs and practicality, many customers are voicing concerns about how security and privacy are handled in the cloud. The PRISM scandal, for example, demonstrates how difficult it can be to know to what extent our data is being monitored, whether it is for legitimate or illegitimate reasons and usage.”                                                                                                                                                                                

Get advice!

In your professional and private life, it is vital to consider these cloud security issues.  In the white paper written by Telenor Research and SINTEF, a systematic overview of different issues is presented. Examples of issues covered are data control guarantees, availability of data, and the potential risks of data loss and security policies. You will also learn about Telenor’s current clouded services and our current challenges as well as opportunities within the Cloud eco-system. Download the white paper here.


  • CloudSec is a research collaboration project between SINTEF ICT and Telenor Research that was initiated in 2010.
  • As part of the project, more than 10 papers have been published in international journals and featured at conferences.
  • The Cloud Security white paper sums up key lessons from the three-year research project.
  • The project has had frequent interaction with Business Units in Telenor, including arranging a cloud security workshop in 2011 and the cloud security checklist have been used for security risk analysis for different cloud initiatives in Telenor.